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比较了荧光素钠和考马斯亮蓝应用于小麦白粉病菌染色的效果。荧光素钠法中样品处理只需20min.左右,具有直接、快速的特点;荧光指示剂对病菌分生孢子萌发及菌丝生长无抑制作用,主要沉集于活菌体的隔膜和细胞质部位,使病菌产生明显的亮绿荧光和清晰的细胞轮廓,亮绿荧光衰退期为7min.;借助荧光显微镜可以观察病菌在小麦叶表的发展过程,区别活菌体和失活菌体。考马斯亮蓝法包括传统的组织学染色步骤,经过改进后的样品处理过程需要40min.左右;染色后使寄主组织呈现淡蓝色,病菌菌体染成深蓝色;该方法可以观察病菌在小麦叶表和被侵染细胞内部发育形成的结构,包括孢子发育形成的初生芽管、附着胞芽管、成熟附着胞以及在寄主细胞内形成的初生吸器原体、成熟的指状体吸器和次生吸器。  相似文献   
楸树(Catalpa bungei C.A.Meyer.)属紫葳科(Bignoniaceae)梓树属(Catalpa),落叶乔木,是我国特有的珍贵优质用材树种。本文用石蜡切片法对可育株和雄性不育株楸树的大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体发育过程进行了详细地比较观察。结果表明:可育株和不育株楸树雌蕊的发育基本相同,胚珠倒生,薄珠心,单珠被,胚囊发育为蓼型。可育株雄蕊花药四室,药隔薄壁组织发达;异型绒粘层,由药壁绒粘层和药隔绒粘层组成;花药壁表皮细胞在小孢子母细胞减数分裂前后开始径向伸长加厚,直到花药开裂并不降解,这可能与花药开裂有关;成熟花粉为四合花粉。雄性不育株花药的早期发育到次生造胞细胞时期与可育雄蕊的相同,小孢子母细胞减数分裂前绒毡层发育不充分;四分体时期,绒毡层细胞高度液泡化,细胞质稀薄,已提前降解,小孢子四分体因绒毡层结构和功能异常而不能正常发育,因此楸树雄性不育为结构型雄性不育。  相似文献   
目的:分析85例小儿重症支原体肺炎(Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia,MPP)肺功能指标动态变化情况,为临床上重症MPP的诊断和预后评估提供有效参考。方法:回顾性选取我院儿科接诊的重症MPP患儿85例为重症组,并选取基线资料差异不显著的轻症MPP患儿72例(轻症组)为研究对象。全部MPP患儿均行大环内酯类抗感染治疗,联合头孢曲松抗菌治疗,并予氨溴索祛痰等对症支持治疗,比较重症组与轻症组发病急性期与恢复期肺功能指标的变化。结果:(1)重症组在急性期大气道通气指标FVC、PEF、FEV1、FEV1/FVC表达量均显著低于轻症组(P0.05);重症组FVC、PEF、FEV1、FEV1/FVC在恢复期和轻症组无显著差异(P0.05);(2)重症组小气道通气指标FEF25、FEF50、FEF75、FEF25-75在各个时间节点均与轻症组有显著差异(P0.05)。结论:儿童重症MPP具有发病急性期大、小气道受损严重的特点,大气道在恢复期各项指标均接近正常,而小气道在恢复期各项指标仍处于异常表达的状态。肺功能指标的动态监测对重症MPP有一定临床意义。  相似文献   
Ocean acidification is the increase in seawater pCO2 due to the uptake of atmospheric anthropogenic CO2, with the largest changes predicted to occur in the Arctic seas. For some marine organisms, this change in pCO2, and associated decrease in pH, represents a climate change‐related stressor. In this study, we investigated the gene expression patterns of nauplii of the Arctic copepod Calanus glacialis cultured at low pH levels. We have previously shown that organismal‐level performance (development, growth, respiration) of C. glacialis nauplii is unaffected by low pH. Here, we investigated the molecular‐level response to lowered pH in order to elucidate the physiological processes involved in this tolerance. Nauplii from wild‐caught C. glacialis were cultured at four pH levels (8.05, 7.9, 7.7, 7.5). At stage N6, mRNA was extracted and sequenced using RNA‐seq. The physiological functionality of the proteins identified was categorized using Gene Ontology and KEGG pathways. We found that the expression of 151 contigs varied significantly with pH on a continuous scale (93% downregulated with decreasing pH). Gene set enrichment analysis revealed that, of the processes downregulated, many were components of the universal cellular stress response, including DNA repair, redox regulation, protein folding, and proteolysis. Sodium:proton antiporters were among the processes significantly upregulated, indicating that these ion pumps were involved in maintaining cellular pH homeostasis. C. glacialis significantly alters its gene expression at low pH, although they maintain normal larval development. Understanding what confers tolerance to some species will support our ability to predict the effects of future ocean acidification on marine organisms.  相似文献   
模式植物群落是指能够反映某种植被分类单元基本特征, 并可作为准确描述该植被类型“标准”的典型植物群落。草原模式植物群落监测是中国生物多样性监测与研究网络——草原/荒漠植物多样性监测网的核心内容, 已初步确定了一套监测方法。本文应用这套方法分别建立了克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)群系和百里香(Thymus mongolicus)群系模式植物群落监测固定样地, 作为中国生物多样性监测与研究网络——草原/荒漠植物多样性监测网的样例。介绍了这两个模式植物群落监测样地选取与设置的过程、群落调查方法和数据分析结果。通过实际观测和案例分析, 验证了“中国草原/荒漠植物多样性监测网模式植物群落监测方案”中监测方法的可行性, 同时根据监测中出现的问题, 提出了模式植物群落样地、监测频率和监测日期的选择原则, 以及监测过程中的操作规范等, 完善了模式植物群落监测内容、方法和指标体系的建议, 为开展草原模式植物群落监测提供了可借鉴的实例与技术储备。  相似文献   
Climate change is reshaping the way in which contaminants move through the global environment, in large part by changing the chemistry of the oceans and affecting the physiology, health, and feeding ecology of marine biota. Climate change‐associated impacts on structure and function of marine food webs, with consequent changes in contaminant transport, fate, and effects, are likely to have significant repercussions to those human populations that rely on fisheries resources for food, recreation, or culture. Published studies on climate change–contaminant interactions with a focus on food web bioaccumulation were systematically reviewed to explore how climate change and ocean acidification may impact contaminant levels in marine food webs. We propose here a conceptual framework to illustrate the impacts of climate change on contaminant accumulation in marine food webs, as well as the downstream consequences for ecosystem goods and services. The potential impacts on social and economic security for coastal communities that depend on fisheries for food are discussed. Climate change–contaminant interactions may alter the bioaccumulation of two priority contaminant classes: the fat‐soluble persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), as well as the protein‐binding methylmercury (MeHg). These interactions include phenomena deemed to be either climate change dominant (i.e., climate change leads to an increase in contaminant exposure) or contaminant dominant (i.e., contamination leads to an increase in climate change susceptibility). We illustrate the pathways of climate change–contaminant interactions using case studies in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean. The important role of ecological and food web modeling to inform decision‐making in managing ecological and human health risks of chemical pollutants contamination under climate change is also highlighted. Finally, we identify the need to develop integrated policies that manage the ecological and socioeconomic risk of greenhouse gases and marine pollutants.  相似文献   
As atmospheric CO2 concentrations rise, associated ocean warming (OW) and ocean acidification (OA) are predicted to cause declines in reef‐building corals globally, shifting reefs from coral‐dominated systems to those dominated by less sensitive species. Sponges are important structural and functional components of coral reef ecosystems, but despite increasing field‐based evidence that sponges may be ‘winners’ in response to environmental degradation, our understanding of how they respond to the combined effects of OW and OA is limited. To determine the tolerance of adult sponges to climate change, four abundant Great Barrier Reef species were experimentally exposed to OW and OA levels predicted for 2100, under two CO2 Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The impact of OW and OA on early life‐history stages was also assessed for one of these species to provide a more holistic view of species impacts. All species were generally unaffected by conditions predicted under RCP6.0, although environmental conditions projected under RCP8.5 caused significant adverse effects: with elevated temperature decreasing the survival of all species, increasing levels of tissue necrosis and bleaching, elevating respiration rates and decreasing photosynthetic rates. OA alone had little adverse effect, even under RCP8.5 concentrations. Importantly, the interactive effect of OW and OA varied between species with different nutritional modes, with elevated pCO2 exacerbating temperature stress in heterotrophic species but mitigating temperature stress in phototrophic species. This antagonistic interaction was reflected by reduced mortality, necrosis and bleaching of phototrophic species in the highest OW/OA treatment. Survival and settlement success of Carteriospongia foliascens larvae were unaffected by experimental treatments, and juvenile sponges exhibited greater tolerance to OW than their adult counterparts. With elevated pCO2 providing phototrophic species with protection from elevated temperature, across different life stages, climate change may ultimately drive a shift in the composition of sponge assemblages towards a dominance of phototrophic species.  相似文献   
Coralline algae provide important ecosystem services but are susceptible to the impacts of ocean acidification. However, the mechanisms are uncertain, and the magnitude is species specific. Here, we assess whether species‐specific responses to ocean acidification of coralline algae are related to differences in pH at the site of calcification within the calcifying fluid/medium (pHcf) using δ11B as a proxy. Declines in δ11B for all three species are consistent with shifts in δ11B expected if B(OH)4? was incorporated during precipitation. In particular, the δ11B ratio in Amphiroa anceps was too low to allow for reasonable pHcf values if B(OH)3 rather than B(OH)4? was directly incorporated from the calcifying fluid. This points towards δ11B being a reliable proxy for pHcf for coralline algal calcite and that if B(OH)3 is present in detectable proportions, it can be attributed to secondary postincorporation transformation of B(OH)4?. We thus show that pHcf is elevated during calcification and that the extent is species specific. The net calcification of two species of coralline algae (Sporolithon durum, and Amphiroa anceps) declined under elevated CO2, as did their pHcf. Neogoniolithon sp. had the highest pHcf, and most constant calcification rates, with the decrease in pHcf being ¼ that of seawater pH in the treatments, demonstrating a control of coralline algae on carbonate chemistry at their site of calcification. The discovery that coralline algae upregulate pHcf under ocean acidification is physiologically important and should be included in future models involving calcification.  相似文献   
The benefits and ecosystem services that humans derive from the oceans are threatened by numerous global change stressors, one of which is ocean acidification. Here, we describe the effects of ocean acidification on an upwelling system that already experiences inherently low pH conditions, the California Current. We used an end‐to‐end ecosystem model (Atlantis), forced by downscaled global climate models and informed by a meta‐analysis of the pH sensitivities of local taxa, to investigate the direct and indirect effects of future pH on biomass and fisheries revenues. Our model projects a 0.2‐unit drop in pH during the summer upwelling season from 2013 to 2063, which results in wide‐ranging magnitudes of effects across guilds and functional groups. The most dramatic direct effects of future pH may be expected on epibenthic invertebrates (crabs, shrimps, benthic grazers, benthic detritivores, bivalves), and strong indirect effects expected on some demersal fish, sharks, and epibenthic invertebrates (Dungeness crab) because they consume species known to be sensitive to changing pH. The model's pelagic community, including marine mammals and seabirds, was much less influenced by future pH. Some functional groups were less affected to changing pH in the model than might be expected from experimental studies in the empirical literature due to high population productivity (e.g., copepods, pteropods). Model results suggest strong effects of reduced pH on nearshore state‐managed invertebrate fisheries, but modest effects on the groundfish fishery because individual groundfish species exhibited diverse responses to changing pH. Our results provide a set of projections that generally support and build upon previous findings and set the stage for hypotheses to guide future modeling and experimental analysis on the effects of OA on marine ecosystems and fisheries.  相似文献   
Potential for adaptation to climate change in a coral reef fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Predicting the impacts of climate change requires knowledge of the potential to adapt to rising temperatures, which is unknown for most species. Adaptive potential may be especially important in tropical species that have narrow thermal ranges and live close to their thermal optimum. We used the animal model to estimate heritability, genotype by environment interactions and nongenetic maternal components of phenotypic variation in fitness‐related traits in the coral reef damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus. Offspring of wild‐caught breeding pairs were reared for two generations at current‐day and two elevated temperature treatments (+1.5 and +3.0 °C) consistent with climate change projections. Length, weight, body condition and metabolic traits (resting and maximum metabolic rate and net aerobic scope) were measured at four stages of juvenile development. Additive genetic variation was low for length and weight at 0 and 15 days posthatching (dph), but increased significantly at 30 dph. By contrast, nongenetic maternal effects on length, weight and body condition were high at 0 and 15 dph and became weaker at 30 dph. Metabolic traits, including net aerobic scope, exhibited high heritability at 90 dph. Furthermore, significant genotype x environment interactions indicated potential for adaptation of maximum metabolic rate and net aerobic scope at higher temperatures. Net aerobic scope was negatively correlated with weight, indicating that any adaptation of metabolic traits at higher temperatures could be accompanied by a reduction in body size. Finally, estimated breeding values for metabolic traits in F2 offspring were significantly affected by the parental rearing environment. Breeding values at higher temperatures were highest for transgenerationally acclimated fish, suggesting a possible role for epigenetic mechanisms in adaptive responses of metabolic traits. These results indicate a high potential for adaptation of aerobic scope to higher temperatures, which could enable reef fish populations to maintain their performance as ocean temperatures rise.  相似文献   
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